SH Safer Introduction Protocol
The Skincare Heidi Method
I want everyone to have great skin. It's my thing.
In fact, for years I thought that I was the only one obsessed with washing my face EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. No one else seemed that bothered about it. But I've always been in it for the long game and it was something I quietly did whether anyone else noticed or not.
Then I discovered the wonderful world of online skincare. At first it was a real eye opener and I learned a lot; but I also discovered a lot of misinformation. I saw others struggle and I realised how hard it is to find out exactly what to do. I rely on my years of experience to guide my skincare practice but newbies can't do this. There's no shortage of information out there, but there aren't many resources to help you to apply that information. That's where I come in.
My own years of skincare practice have taught me how to build and develop a routine and I'm sharing my method with you. Based on the scientific method of trial and error, the Skincare Heidi Method is a systematic way for you to build your ideal Personal Skincare Routine.
The Skincare Heidi Method can help anyone take concrete steps towards great skin. If you want guidance you can turn to the Skincare Heidi Programmes and Challenges; they build from one to the next and the information is divided into manageable size articles on specific topics with tasks, questions and conversation topics.
Intro Level Coaching Circles
Basically, Circles are my Skincare School!
💙 Build your best skincare routine
💙 Develop new skills with guidance from me!
💙 Share and learn with your Skincare Buddies
how to follow
the SH Method
I've organised my knowledge on this site so that you can find what works best for you: you can simply read and learn, you can follow any Skincare Heidi Programme or Challenge, or you can have my guidance to coach you along your journey. There are three ways to follow the SH Method:
The information that forms the Skincare Heidi Method is freely available on this website to anyone. If you're highly motivated please go ahead and read through and use the information provided to improve your skin!
Join other Skincare Enthusiasts in learning about the Skincare Heidi Method and how it can help you to improve your skin. Working together in small groups we thoroughly examine specific topics and progress through lessons from beginning to end. Each Coaching Circle will be assigned a private area so that comments will only be viewed and shared within the Circle.
Follow the Skincare Heidi Method with One-on-One attention from me.
Click here to find out more about Private Coaching.
How long it takes and how quickly you progress will depend on your current situation. If you're already quite comfortable with your routine you may simply follow my method as a way to check in with yourself. If you're starting from scratch, or if you're trying to fix a routine that's not working, it's very hard to predict how long it will take.
Coaching Circles are divided into Units that follow from one to the next - individual progress many vary.
All the information needed to follow the SH Method is FREE and available to all on this website.
If you feel you would like some feedback on your personal situation there are several options available:
Users of this site who have completed a *Pay it Forward* Pledge are able to comment and ask questions on posts. I will do my best to reply. Anyone can track their routines on the Skincare Heidi Bullet Journal Facebook Group.
Coaching Circles are small groups who work through a SH Programme together. The dates for Coaching Circles are decided when enough participants have registered. Although I am not always able to Coach each participant one-on-one, everyone benefits from seeing each other's progress and following along together. I will do my best to reply to comments and guide participants. All Coaching Circle participants should track their progress in a Bullet Journal.
Need more guidance?
Hire me to Coach you through the process of finding your ideal routine.
get started on great skin
If you're reading this then you already have some interest in caring for your skin. You may not know which products suit you best, or how to build a routine that makes you glow, but at least you know that you should wash your face every night. You know that sunscreen protects you from long-term damage. You know that you shouldn't sleep in your make-up.
this Page is For you
This is a place for anyone who wants better skin. There's a good chance you're here because you've noticed something about your skin that you're not happy with. Or maybe you want to progress to active ingredients but don't know how to choose from the wide range of available products. Or maybe you are ready to make a commitment to self care. Whatever reason you're here for, there's already SOMETHING you're doing. There's no *beginning* to skincare because whatever you're already doing gives you something to build on. Before you start testing new products you should look at what you already do.
building a skincare routine
This page will review the entire SH Method for developing a unique Skincare Routine that works for you.
There are three phases to work through:
Patch Testing. Will an Easy or Advanced Protocol be more suitable for your particular situation?
Routine Planning. How are you going to get the best results from your new product?
Finding Balance; The Three Variables of Routine Building. How are your going to maintain your routine?
Check your BASICS
Before embarking on any new product introduction you can set yourself up for success by checking that your Basics are all in place. The first step is to check to make sure that the products you're already using suit your goals and your skin by evaluating your basics. Every time you introduce a new product into your routine it has the potential to upset your balance and even if you're confident with everything you're doing, testing your products is still a great way to make sure that you aren't undermining your own process.
It's easy to do this by working through the SH Skincraft Basics Circle. This Circle is suitable for everyone; whether you are new to skincare or evaluating an existing skincare routine.
SH-PIP Step One:
Patch test week
Starting a new product can be the best part of Skincare - you might just discover your own Holy Grail! You have a box of shiny new bottles... Hurrah! The rush! The excitement! The questions!?!
Your new product could be a treat that you’ve been saving up for, or a new active that will surely be the answer to all your problems! You probably realise that strong actives like acids and retinoid/ols need to be introduced carefully. You may know that you need to gradually build up so that your skin can become accustomed to your new product. But, it's not just actives that need to be monitored: regardless of the specific product, following a considered plan will enable you to gather the best information.
The introduction period can be tricky. You are excited about your new product but at the same time you don’t know how your skin will react. The temptation is just to add your new magic potion and see what happens. With many products you could easily just start dripping it all over and hope for the best. But you won't learn much from that, so what what should you do instead? Patch Test.
Why bother with patch testing?
The boring first step of all skincare. The bit you just want to get out of the way. Pointless. Wasteful. Right? Wrong! Time to change your mind and discover the joy of getting to know your products. Just because patch testing isn't as glamorous as a Red Peel selfie doesn't mean you should ignore it. Don't treat patch testing as a necessary evil, but instead think of it as a way to play with your new friend without all the hassle.
Unless you have allergies or sensitivities you probably won’t have a negative reaction to most products, after all, skincare products are formulated to generate positive results!
Why I love to Patch Test
💘 You don't have to slot it into your routine
💘 You don't have see if it conflicts
with every other thing you use
💘 You don't even have to decide when
or how you are going to introduce it.
You can just play!
What can you discover from Patch Testing?
It's a popular misconception that the purpose of Patch Testing is to see if the product suits you, or if a product will cause a reaction. You actually won't get that much information from your first arm test or from a simple swipe, and most reactions won't show up immediately upon application of a new product. The Patch Test is only the first step of the Skincare Heidi Introduction Protocol (SH-IP) but it's a vital first step because it's the best way to start gathering information!
Patch testing lets you:
rule out an allergy
Although it's not a common occurrence, it's important to patch test to make sure that you're not allergic to a new product. An allergic reaction will generally present itself right away and can include symptoms such as rashes, hives or worse. A severe allergic reaction can result in breathing issues and can be very serious so please take any allergic reaction seriously. Moderate allergic reactions will generally respond to antihistamines so that can be one way to diagnose what's going on. Please consult a health care professional if you have any concerns. Allergic reactions are an immune response and are a strong indicator that this product may not be for you.
monitor for negative reactions
Some products may cause a physical reaction such as redness or irritation. This indicates a sensitivity to the product but it doesn't mean that you can't use it (although it may). Patch Testing is information gathering and anything you discover will help build your routine.
do your first Product Evaluation
The physical characteristics of any product will have an effect on your future routine. This is your first opportunity to judge the product and document your evaluation.
how to patch test
There is no reason to be intimidated or to overthink Patch Testing. It's not a complicated process and you don't have to worry about messing it up; swipe and observe!
Patch Testing is simple: tap a small amount of the product into the skin of the patch test area. This is usually on the inner arm or in the elbow crease. A second patch test can go under the jaw or behind the ear. Document the date and your observations. That's it!
This initial swipe is the first step of a full SH Product Introduction Protocol. Now the real journey begins!
Successful patch tests, step by step
​Every new product is an opportunity for better skin and every new product will do one of three things, either: nothing, make your skin better, make your skin worse. The Skincare Heidi Introduction Protocol (SH-IP) is a system to evaluate new products and to assess what is happening to your skin. This article will explain the SH-IP so that you can feel completely confident at each step along the way.
The goal of every product intro is to discover something about your skin and to find a product that pulls it weight within your routine. But your skin won't tell you much with only one little drop of product. Each daily step with a new product is an opportunity to gather information and to learn as much as you can about how it works and what it does for you. Use this information in your planning. This is the time to get used to taking notes in your Bullet Journal: Evaluate the product. Assess your skin.
How to choose between an *Easy* or *Advanced* patch test?
As a general rule, products that contain active ingredients will require the Advanced Patch Test. And products that don't contain active ingredients may only need the Easy Patch Test. However, there is no definitive list for all products because the answer will vary from individual to individual.
IF YOU'RE SERIOUS ABOUT SKINCARE YOU SHOULD PLAN AND DOCUMENT EACH INTRO ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN NEEDS. No one should blindly follow any skincare advice: the SH Method exists to give you a way to plan your own Skincare, not to do it for you!
If you have very sensitive skin you are probably better off to use the Advanced Introduction for all products. Or, you may think that you can do an Easy Introduction but then have to readjust your plan due to a reaction. Stay flexible.
Easy Patch Tests are for products that are:
Low Contraindication. Meaning that they are unlikely to cause an unwanted interaction with other products.
Low Conflict. Meaning that they are unlikely to cancel out or impair the function of another product.
A Straight Swap. Meaning that it will replace an existing product you currently use. Specifically, you are taking out one product and replacing it with another from the same category (switching to a new cleanser, for example).
Non-Active. Actives are more likely to cause negative reactions and need a higher level monitoring to find the best maintenance level. This may include ANY product that contains an active ingredient, not just dedicated serums.
Non-Disruptive New to You. Meaning that will just slot into your current routine without having to reorder your whole routine or disrupting your usual products (for example: adding in an oil when you haven’t already been using one).
Cleansers, hydrators, oils and face creams tend not to contain many actives can usually will follow an Easy Introduction, although this is not a firm rule as any product may contain actives or cause complications.
Advanced Patch Tests are for products that are:
Contraindicated. These are products that might interact negatively with other products (ie, produce unwanted effects, although not necessarily disrupt the product function).
Conflicting. Products that can impair or negatively impact the function of another product.
Disruptive. Any product that will change how you use your existing products or will disorder your current routine.
Active: An Active is any product that has an impact on the way your skin functions. It may affect the skin on a cellular level or change your skin's physiology.
New to You: any product category that you haven't used before.
At this point you need to evaluate your product and decide if it is an “easy” patch test or if it’s a something that will be a bit more of a challenge to fit into your routine – an “advanced” patch test.
EASY Patch test
Easy introductions are mainly for products that do not contain actives or possibly products that contain small amounts of actives. In some cases it may be formulas that are similar to ones you have already used. Products like cleansers, hydrators (HA, toners, sprays and spritzes), oils and face creams are likely to be easy introductions. These products should slot into your routine easily and generally it will be easy to figure out where to put them.
*EASY* patch test week
Day One: Arm Patch Test. Apply your new product on your arm and behind your ear (or under the jaw). Monitor the area where you tested and continue to assess the Patch Areas over a full 24 hours. Evaluate your new product. Finalise your Anticipated Routine, including the new product. Document your observations in your Bullet Journal (template here).
Day Two: Anticipated Routine Patch Test. Apply your Anticipated Routine on your arm, including the new product. Evaluate your new product as it works in combination with the rest of your routine. Document your observations in your Bullet Journal.
Day Three: Half Face Test. Apply your full routine as normal, and tap your new product onto HALF your face as you intent to use it. Document your observations in your Bullet Journal.
Day four: Day off. Continue your observations.
Day five: Regular Routine. Go ahead and add your new product to your routine. Continue to evaluate your product and assess your skin. Continue to document any further observations.
Continue with your new product. Complete your Routine Planning and the rest of your Introduction. Continue with your new product for a few more days before beginning a new introduction.
Don't forget:
Do your Routine Planning ahead of time to and decide where this product will likely fit in BEFORE you start your introduction. The best time to do this is when you do your purchasing so that you only buy products that fit into your overall Skincare plan.
Remain open-minded and be ready to adjust if necessary.
In general you may be able to simply start using the product as you plan to continue using it. However, you may wish to limit the quantity used at first; this can make a big difference especially with products like hydrators and oils – the only way to discover the exact quantity that works for your skin is by trial and error.
After one week of paying close attention to your introduction you can consider your new product successfully ‘introduced’. If you are planning any more introductions then you may be ready to go ahead with the next one. In general you are better off to complete ‘easy’ introductions before moving on to more ‘advanced’ products. This isn’t simply because they are less likely to cause reactions but also because you are more likely to have success with actives if your basics are solid.
Don't use the *easy* Patch Test if:
If you have very sensitive or reactive skin, or pre-existing conditions like rosacea or eczema, then you'll likely be better off considering ALL introductions as ADVANCED.
ADVANCED Patch test
If you are using a product with an active ingredient you will probably have better results with a more conservative approach rather than the Easy Patch Test. With actives it is not simply a case of minimising irritation (although that is important) but also optimising the product for your own skin and routine. It’s also a good idea to plan for success and to consider any lifestyle factors that might affect your success with this product (more on that later).
Even actives can be divided into easier and more difficult introductions so you will need to plan accordingly. Certain products are known to cause purging or other detrimental effects and will need to be added very slowly. These include: retinoid/ols, niacinamide, acid exfoliators, copper, other strong acids (pure vitamin C) and others. Some actives are more gentle to begin with: derivatives of Vitamin C, peptides, Alpha Arbutin, certain anti-oxidants. Unfortunately there is no way to know exactly which product is in which list because every face is unique – your patch tests may give you an idea if you are likely to react to any given product. The first few times you use any new product pay particular attention to tingling, irritation or other reactions. This will give you the information you need to plan your Introduction.
You are now ready to proceed. I've provided a lot of detail because I want you to feel completely confident about each step.
*Advanced*​ patch test week
Day One: Arm Patch Test. Apply drop of product on your on inner arm or elbow fold by lightly patting the product into the skin. I know, arm skin is not face skin and you're only likely to have a reaction on your arm if you have an actual allergy. However, testing for adverse reaction is only one reason to patch test. The main reason is to observe the product: texture, colour, consistency etc. Record your evaluation of the product and assessment of its effect on your skin in your Bullet Journal (you can use the template below). And besides, if you DO have a reaction won't you be glad it's not on your face? Document your observations in your Bullet Journal (template here).
Day Two: Jaw/Ear Patch Test. Apply one drop of product under your jaw or behind the ear. This is because you want to test close to the face but in an area that's not too visible. Ideally you should do this patch test after cleansing, on clean dry skin. Avoid the area when you're doing your normal skincare that day, or better yet, test at a time of day when you don't normally do skincare, like mid-day, for example. You may choose to skip actives altogether on this day so you don't have to worry about affecting the results. Finalise your Anticipated Routine, including the new product. Document your observations in your Bullet Journal.
Day three: Anticipated Routine Patch Test. Your Anticipated Routine is the routine you expect to have with your new product. Patch test your full Anticipated Routine on your arm (shout out to Ali K for this idea!) The goal is to evaluate how your new product will fit in with the rest of your products. If you plan to use the product in different routines (IE morning and night) test one routine today and one on Day Four. It's surprising what you can learn by patch testing your routine. I learned that Niod NAAP will make The Ordinary Euk sink straight in, but only IF the NAAP goes first, not after. Don't use the new product on your face this day. Document your observations in your Bullet Journal.
Day four: Half Face Test. Apply your full routine as normal, and tap in your new product on HALF your face as you intent to use it. Half face as this will give you the most information - I apply my usual night cream and then tap one drop of the new product on top, but over half of the face only. It's interesting what you may discover - with CAIS there was a clear improvement in hydration on the CAIS side. Unexpected! Don’t use any other actives this day. Document your observations in your Bullet Journal.
Day five: Day off. Do your normal routines AM and PM as usual but don’t use your new product.
Day six: add one drop of the product into your moisturiser or face cream, PM only, after your normal routine. You may want to repeat the *half face* technique from Day Three. Document your observations in your Bullet Journal.
Day seven: repeat day six. Go full face if you tested half face on day six. Document your observations in your Bullet Journal.
You have completed your Patch Test Week for your new product.
Next step: Routine Planning. Plan your second week for how you will build this product into your routine.
patch test details & FAQ
Can I do MULTIPLE TESTS at once?
Yes, in theory, you can patch test multiple products at once by testing one on each arm, but it can be hard to keep track of. Personally, I don't do it, but you know me... I'm all about delayed gratification and prolonged anticipation! You can't really rush the process and you can't really evaluate what's going on if your products get mixed up. And since you can't safely overlap using new products on your face, I don't really see the point in testing more that one product at a time.
how Do i adapt my patch Test for different types of products?
The Skincare Heidi Patch Test Week outlines a sample first week of a new product but you may need to adapt depending on the type of product you're using. For example, sunscreens should never be mixed with other products so it wouldn't be a good idea to test it by mixing it with your moisturiser as that's not how you'll be using it.
All types of products need to be Patch Tested. And you always want to get to know a new product as a way to figure out how you're going to use it.
Cleansers, moisturisers and hydrators can all cause their own issues so they definitely need to be tested but you can adapt the Patch Test in a way that makes sense for the product. The key is to make sensible choices and to have a clear idea of what you are doing and what you hope to discover. This is why it's so important to track what you're doing - always document what you've actually done, not what you're *supposed* to do.
Can Products get MIxed within the deeper layers of skin?
Yes, products can migrate below the surface and end up getting mixed together within the skin. This means that you can apply the product in one area but it ends up in another area as it's travelled through the deeper layers skin. Watery products will migrate more easily. Product can also be transferred on your fingers/hands when applying. This may or may not be a problem, but if you discover that you are particularly sensitive to a specific product or ingredient then it's something to keep in mind.
Understanding reactions
Hopefully your new product will suit you and fit right into your Personal Skincare Plan. But sometimes you'll run into problems. If you experienced any of the negative reactions listed above then you may want to look a bit more closely at what's going on. Please consider that there is always a range of reactions and just because your reaction isn't extreme doesn't mean that everything is just fine. Even a small reaction should be documented and you should respond appropriately. Reactions can get better or worse, so it's important to manage the situation properly if you do have a negative reaction.
Any product can cause a reaction. It doesn't matter if it's a single-ingredient product (like an oil) or a complex serum - there's no such this as a product that will work for every single person. A reaction could be the result of a particular ingredient, the formula of the product, or a combination of products. That's why I recommend that everyone go through the full week-long process for each product, no matter how basic it might be. You're not just testing the new product, but the way it combines with everything else you use and how it all works together.
The most serious type of reaction. Pay attention if you have any negative reactions on your initial Patch Test and adjust your plan accordingly.
If you get any pain, burning feeling, disruptions to the skin (blisters, etc), or other serious reaction then you should wash the area with soap immediately. Providing you followed the instructions and used the product correctly then this is a sign that it might not be the product for you. You can test again on the other arm but be prepared to walk away. In the case of extreme reactions or harm to the skin you might want to visit a pharmacist for advice on a topical treatment.
Redness, hives and itching can indicate an allergy. Allergic reactions are rare but will generally show up quickly - allergies are an immune system response and are not an indication that there's a problem with your skin. If taking an antihistamine resolves the symptoms that points to an allergy. If this happens, it's probably not the product for you. You may want to do some investigation to discover exactly what caused the reaction.
Smaller reactions could also be a sign of allergy or it could be a sensitivity to the ingredient. Anyone with sensitive skin is particularly prone to having minor reactions. This does not necessarily mean that you can't use the product but you will have to consider carefully if you decide to continue, and come up with a good strategy.
Just because a negative reaction hasn't show up at the beginning of your patch test doesn't mean that you're out of the woods. Many reactions are cumulative, meaning they build up gradually. The product might be too strong, incompatible pH, or just that your skin doesn't like it. You may not have any problems immediately following your patch test, but notice other effects that show up within the next 12-48 hours. If you really want to use the product you will have to consider carefully how to get the most from it without negatively effecting the skin. It doesn't mean that the product is a good fit.
As you build your routine you may experience a reaction that shows up after weeks or even months. Allergies aren't usually delayed, so if a reaction shows up later it's more likely that the product is causing the problem, not your immune system.
This is a process that happens gradually. Your skin may be compromised without you realising it. When your barrier is weakened then any new product may trigger a reaction. If this happens you need to realise that the new product didn't cause the reaction because the sensitisation was pre-existing. You may not have a problem with the new product, it may simply be that your skin wasn't strong enough to withstand a new introduction.
Any break-out can be a reaction, can be purging or can be a co-incidence.
Purging is very misunderstood. Some people cry *purging* for any kind of breakout to any kind of product. This is not purging. PURGING ONLY HAPPENS WITH RESURFACING PRODUCTS. Purging is what happens when exfoliation is accelerated and allows *hidden* acne to be revealed. It's not very common, especially if you already exfoliate.
Many people with sensitive skin have a reaction to ANY NEW PRODUCT. If you have reactive skin then a reaction won't tell you much. If your skin is very sensitive you have to expect a reaction to every single introduction and you should have a plan for how to proceed in spite of your inevitable reactions.
your intro -
bullet journals
If you follow anything I do then you know how I feel about Bullet Journals - I love 'em! Tracking your skincare, especially your introductions, is the number one thing you can do to understand your skin, it's needs, what works and what doesn't. Especially if you're making the move to Advanced Skincare, the decision to write down what you've done and when you did it will be invaluable as you progress.
Observe & Document
There are full instructions on how to start your own Bullet Journal in the Bullet Journal Challenge, so I won't repeat myself. There are plenty of good options to choose from for your Journal: a lovely notebook, a dedicated folder on your phone or laptop, or, my preference, your own Bullet Journal Post on the Skincare Heidi Bullet Journal Facebook Group.
Whatever format you choose, the goal is the same: to OBSERVE and to DOCUMENT. This is where you start your transformation into a *Skincare Scientist* who specialises in their own skin!
Patch Testing is the perfect opportunity to start your Bullet Journal. It doesn't have to be fancy, it just has to work for you. Because you should update your journal daily during the Patch Test phase you should choose a format that's easy to maintain. At each step of your Patch Test Week you should be keeping an eye on two things: your evaluation of the product and your assessment of your skin. Let's look at the difference.
The goal is to focus on the product and to see how it behaves.
OBSERVE & DESCRIBE the physical properties of the product, especially anything unexpected:
TYPE: describe what the product is used for - is it a: cleanser, liquid acid, serum, emulsion (cream), oil, hydrator/mist, emollient, other? (I don't like to use the term *toner* as there are so many different products covered by this word).
TEXTURE: is the product watery? Oily? Runny? Thick? Thin? Is it a cream, gel, or liquid?
ABSORPTION: does the product sink in easily? Or can you feel it sitting on top of the skin? Does it leave a film?
OTHER: add any other observations.
The goal is to focus on your skin and to see how it reacts.
OBSERVE & DESCRIBE the skin at the site where you've applied your new product:
NEGATIVE REACTIONS: signs of irritation (redness, itching, rash, heat, hives, etc.), fine lines or puckering, rough texture, acne, blackheads.
POSITIVE EFFECTS: desirable changes include plumpness, even tone, signs of hydration, healthy colour, glow, smoothness,
OTHER: add any other observations.
Use this information to document your Patch Test Week. Choose either *Easy* or *Advanced* Introduction Protocol, or adapt one to your own personal situation.
*EASY* patch test
Day One: Patch Test, arm/jaw
Day Two: Patch Test your Planned Routine on your arm
Day Three: Test your full Planned Routine, half face
Day four: Day off for observation
Day five: Test your full Planned Routine, full face
Continue to monitor: evaluate your product and assess your skin. Wait a few more days before beginning a new introduction.
*Advanced* patch test​
Day One: Patch Test, arm
Day Two: Patch Test jaw/behind ear
Day Three: Patch Test your full Planned Routine, arm
Day four: one drop in moisturiser, half face. No other actives.
Day five: day off from new product. Do your normal routine, AM and PM. Complete any adjustments needed to Planned Routine.​
Day six: tap one drop of the new product over HALF your face, after your moisturiser, PM only. Do your regular routine, omit chemical exfoliation.
Day seven: mix one drop of the new product into your moisturiser and apply full face. Do your regular routine, omit chemical exfoliation.
transition to routine planning
Yeah or nay?
Are you going to proceed with the new product? Some products will be a definite *NO*. If you've had a negative reaction during Patch Test Week then you might have to ditch the product and re-group. Allergies, burns and other serious reactions will probably rule out your use of the product.
Minor reactions may have more to do with your skin than the product itself so you may want to do some further research about the product. If you decide to proceed you will need a good plan.
Interactions are another consideration: you may have had an unexpected result and discovered that the product doesn't fit in to your routine the way you thought it would.
You may just not like the product very much - maybe it's overly scented, you don't like the texture or you don't find it practical to use. You'll have to decide if it's worth coming up with a plan to overcome these obstacles or just walk away.
But hopefully your Patch Test Week was positive and informative, and now you're ready to start to introduce the product properly.
- in progress -
You made it through your Patch Test Week! Yes, it's a lot to think about but you now have the information you need to move ahead with your new product.
Anticipated Routine
Before you even started Patch Test Week you (hopefully) had a provisional plan for how this product would fit in with your current routine. This is the *Anticipated Routine* that you tested. The Anticipated
Now you have the information you need to consider if this would be a suitable way to use this product. This A
Patch Test Week is only the first phase of the Introduction Process. At this
- conflicts
- counter-indications
- synergy